The 14 R’s of Compressed Air Efficiency
In everything from the packaging of food to the assembly of products, compressed air is relied upon for the preparation of items that are sold on the shelves of supermarkets to department stores. From the tank of the compressor to the tip of each pneumatic tool, the air must be compressed at just the right […]
Read MoreWhy Did My Compressed Air System’s Pressure Drop?
The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that a typical industrial facility uses about 10 percent of its electricity consumption on air compression. This makes compressed air a major expense in the USA. Loss of pressure represents money lost. Inefficient systems in production reduce profits, and can even threaten the ongoing financial viability of business. In […]
Read More7 Steps to Save Energy and Money With Your Compressed Air System

7 Steps to Save Money and Energy with Your Compressed Air System In today’s competitive world, cost control is the key factor to turning a profit. Air compressors can blow away money from your production budget if they are not properly maintained. Leaks and worn parts reduce the pressure your compressor can produce. Worn seals […]
Read MoreHow To Skin A Deer With An Air Compressor
What does deer hunting have to do with air compressors? More than you might think. The saying “there’s more than one way to skin a cat” also applies to deer… literally! Using an air compressor to skin a deer may sound strange at first, but it’s actually one of the simplest and easiest ways to […]
Read MoreWhy Mixing Air Compressor Fluids Reduces Performance
With nearly a century of researching, engineering and developing products for the air compressor market, we have made quality our number one goal. We provide uncompromising reliability and performance for the most demanding applications, and we didn’t just do that with our air compressors. We have developed a complete line of parts and fluids that […]
Read MoreUpgrading with Quincy Air Compressors to Save Money and Energy
When people think about factories that serve all sorts of industry, they often think of robotic machines, assembly lines, conveyor belts, and a perfectly timed series of movements that result ultimately in a finished product. But what makes those machines tick like the inner working of a fine Swiss watch? The answer in many […]
Read MoreCase Studies
In today’s competitive sales world, finding ways to establish rapport and credibility can sometimes be tough to find. One tool often overlooked is a “referral” from current customers. Testimonial-type endorsements give potential customers more reasons to purchase from you. Research shows that testimonials can increase sales in consumer businesses by 30 percent and double or […]
Read MoreChoosing the Right Filter for Your Air Compressor System
When you’re working with air compressors, air purity and filtration is an essential part of maintenance. Filters play an important role in your industrial air compressor system. Choosing the right filter not only increases the efficiency of your unit, but it can also lower energy costs and protect your employees from harmful chemicals and particulates. […]
Read MoreAbsolute Pressure Readings Chart
Absolute Pressure and Barometer Readings at Different Altitudes
Read MoreThe Rotary Compression Cycle
Rotary screw compressors power a multitude of different manufacturing processes. In any factory where goods are made, you are almost certain to find at least one rotary screw air compressor at work. Industrial rotary screw compressors offer the advantage of a 100% duty cycle and the ability to stay in operation 24 hours a day. […]
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